Phone Number 770 985 2050
Children, Teens, Women and Parent Coaching
Currently providing In-Office and Telehealth Therapy Sessions
I love helping people find creative, realistic and sensible ways to cope with challenges. I have don’t have one technique that I use – my work with you will be tailored to your counseling needs – whether it’s traditional talk therapy, play therapy, group therapy, trauma, journaling, art/expressive, etc. We will work together to find the best way help you or your child/teen to make the changes necessary to relieve the stressor(s) and KEEP MOVING FORWARD!
I particularly like working with parents to help them find the best ways to support their children, teens or young adults.
I have extensive training in Play Therapy (using toys or games to help children express themselves), EMDR – which supports people in psychological distress (see for additional information), ExRP (Exposure and Response Prevention) and Scream Free Parenting techniques -learning how to take the screaming out of your parenting and parent in a calm manner.
I provide assessment/diagnosis for Attention Deficit Disorders in children/adults.