Alexandria Walker, LPC

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Alexandria Walker, LPC


I have always enjoyed working with children and their families which began for me working as an Assistant Teacher for preschoolers. I was well aware that teaching was not my calling but definitely wanted to continue to help families in need. I knew I wanted to be a counselor from my first psychology class which incorporated journaling and group work which caused me to change my major from Biology to Psychology. While completing my final undergraduate year at Georgia State University, I realized that I needed more experience in the mental health field. I decided to quit my job and pursue internships in order to get me the experience that would make my resume more attractive to employers. While my first internship was not the best experience, it definitely verified that counseling was what I truly enjoyed. I then interned at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta (Marcus Autism Center) and enjoyed it so much I worked there for 2 years while pursuing my graduate degree in counseling.


Masters, Clinical Mental Health Counseling (MS)

Mercer University, GA (2017)